Office Cleaning
in Sacramento
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Daily, weekly, monthly, or annual visits
Transform every nook and cranny of your office into a beacon of purity with our comprehensive deep cleaning services. As entrepreneurs, you hold the power to revolutionize your workspaces, cultivating an environment that's not only spotless but also conducive to health and safety.
Same Day Service
Experience the essence of fresh air and establish a robust, secure setting for your workforce by banishing allergens and executing a thorough cleanse of your premises. Iron Property stands at the forefront of merging hygienic practices with comfort, fostering a work environment that rejuvenates and energizes your team.

Basic Cleanliness
Pantry and Break Area Clean-Up
Bathroom Maintenance
Clear Out Trash Bins
Wipe Down Furniture (including seats and tables)
Gently Clean Sofa/Lounge Seating
Thoroughly Clean (covers ledges, photo frames, artworks, shelves, cupboards)
Sanitize Phones, Keyboards, Door Handles, Switches
Moist-Clean Computer & Television Displays
Wipe Desk Surfaces
Remove Dust from High Lights
Wash Inside Windows and Sills
Floor care
Wipe Down Counters
Sterilize Sinks and Fixtures
Clean Appliance Surfaces
Wipe Down Tabletops and Seating
Floor Cleaning and Mopping
Shine All Metal and Stainless Steel Surfaces
Detailed Cleaning of Inside Appliances
Dispose of Rubbish and Replace Liners
Restock Dispensers (Hand Soap, Toilet Rolls, Paper Towels)
Make Mirrors Sparkle
Disinfect Sinks and Countertops
Thoroughly Clean Toilets and Urinals
Detail Clean Stall Dividers and Walls
Mop Floors for a Finish